Irina Komarova
Sketch "Time Stopped," canvas, 2022
"Attribution Model 2020," canvas, oil, 2020
"The Suffering of a Russian Woman," canvas, oil, 2019
"That's it, I'm starting to paint serious things,"
canvas, oil, 2020

"Revenge," sanguine/tempera, 2025
"Lyubol," canvas, oil, 2024
"Pray for Lycra," canvas, oil, 2023
The artist must unpack new experiences;
The artist must be alone when they want to;
The artist must not succumb to romantic attraction
(unless this experience is inevitably transformed into art);
The artist must not suffer;
The artist must capture the moments that inspire them;
The artist must be free;
The artist must think faster than they act;
The artist must act faster than they think;
The artist must be famous;
The artist must be misunderstood;
The artist must not expect anything;
The artist must not think about what others expect from them;
The artist must regularly change locations;
The artist must love their paintings as their own child;
The artist must want to destroy their works;
The artist must be wealthy;
The artist must surround themselves with luxury;
The artist must be self-sufficient;
The artist must not paint on demand;
The artist must finish the painting they have started before moving on to the next;
The artist must;
The artist must not.
The center of my paintings is always the human being. I invite you to embark on a journey, exploring the depths of the soul and human nature, where the viewer chooses for themselves what to see.